Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy holidays in Michigan

My parent's subdivision is full of deer. It's amazing to see but also sad that they have lost there habitat and have become overpopulated.

From my childhood bedroom window.

Ella getting a present from my mom and dad with an audio of my family interacting.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Holidays and the fleeting snow!

I remember when snow was so deep and endless as a child. Now we periodically get a storm that leaves snow on the ground for a day or two. Upstate we had a few good days.

Matt even had a chance to make a snowman!

Monday, October 1, 2007

November mother and Daughter contest, October Beauty in Family Circle

I got to photograph Mothers and Daughters for the November issue of Family Circle. The Moms and their girls were great. It was a fun day with a party at the end!

a beauty shot in the october issue.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Crazy Sexy Cancer

Crazy Sexy Cancer premieres tomorrow night on TLC at 9/8c. I am so excited to watch these strong women! Cancer is a part of my family and seeing these women take it head on is inspiring. I got to photograph Erin Zammett Ruddy and her sister Melissa for her column in Glamour. You can see the images in the movie and book.

Val in August Fitness

I have now shot Val twice and it is always a pleasure. Check her site out: http://www.valeriatignini.com/

August issue of Family Circle

Jean story in August Latina

Some fun ladies!
and then there's the style opener...thanks to zomnia for deejaying the shoot!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Heart Gallery

Saturday I got to participate with the Heart Gallery in NJ. It's an organization that helps get older foster kids adopted. I got to meet a lot of great kids and participants. I photographed 2 kids for the gallery show they will have in the fall. It was a great experience and the bonus was they served BBQ for lunch!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Porsche 356 Registry, Boyne Highlands, MI

I spent the last weekend of June at the 356 Registry's Annual East Coast Holiday. My husband and brother-in-law are very much involved. To my surprise, there didn't seem to be any women sporting cars, a lot of supportive wives, but no women collectors. I may have missed them since I was an observer and not a participant in the holiday. The 356 Registry seems to be the older white man's club, I guess the cost and limited quantity inhibits many. Unfortunately, I won't break that bubble cause I would rather have a 911!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

July's Family Circle

Check out July's Family Circle, I've got a beauty and fashion story from our trip to St. Lucia!

Note to self: next time crawling in the sand, don't wear a cute little dress because I flashed the whole crew while shooting!